Colón-Thillet focused on five amino acids in a specific loop of the human MxA protein. She and her colleagues systematically substituted every possible amino acid at the five positions, which included new combinations never seen in nature. Then, she tested the new versions of MxA against THOV.
The team saw that some changes, as expected, hobbled MxA function. But some improved its ability to block, or restrict, THOV. The super-restrictor version of MxA, which is 10 times more potent against THOV than the original MxA, required just two amino acid changes.
The team discovered that these potency-boosting amino-acid changes needed to occur in combination, not one at a time, Emerman noted.
“If we had done it by changing amino acids one by one, we would not have found the best ones. It required combinations that we could not predict based on gene sequence or protein structure alone,” he said.
That’s because sometimes two changes that individually diminished its virus-blocking ability counterintuitively enhanced MxA function when they occurred together.
The team knew that the same loop region and amino acids that MxA relies on to restrict THOV are also critical to its ability to stave off the flu. So, Colón-Thillet also tested improved versions of MxA against influenza.
The team expected that as MxA became better at blocking THOV, it would become worse at blocking influenza. Surely, they thought, two wildly different viruses must require wildly different antiviral strategies.
As it turns out, this is not always the case. Unexpectedly, some of the THOV super-restrictor MxA variants that Colón-Thillet created remained a potent influenza adversary. “Even though it's contacting two very different viruses it's able to accommodate both of them at the same time,” Emerman said.
Fundamental insights and practical applications (someday)
Both Malik and Emerman study viruses and their hosts to answer fundamental questions about biology and evolutionary processes. This work also helps to explain how MxA can restrict a wide range of viruses, Malik said.
He believes that the insights from Colón-Thillet’s work will be applicable to other genes whose functions scientists hope to improve. The next step will be to engineer a method to deliver antiviral activity that has been improved through this kind of directed evolution, Malik said.
The team is currently testing similar evolution-guided strategies to create more potent antiviral genes against HIV-1. However, it won’t be easy to figure out how to translate the strategy into a medical application. Perhaps future scientists could use these principles to develop a gene therapy that makes evolution-guided tweaks to a patient’s antiviral genes, or perhaps scientists will one day design a virus-blocking drug that mimics how an evolutionarily “improved” antiviral protein might function, Malik and Emerman speculated. However, such applications would be far in the future. The team finds today’s evolutionary lessons even more exciting.
Their evolutionary studies had identified the minimum set of amino acid sites needed to improve antiviral protein function, and manipulating just those sites allowed them to achieve a leap in potency, Malik said. “I'm really hopeful that … this strategy is going be something that would be applicable to any antiviral or any anti-pathogen gene.”