The UMAP showed that in comparison with normal brain tissue, glioma tumors from adults had higher levels of key cancer-promoting biological processes, including those that promote cell growth and DNA repair. Some pediatric tumors had also ramped up these processes. The UMAP also reveals pathways ramped down in tumors, including some neurotransmitter pathways.
Researchers can use the UMAP to dig deeper into these pathways, and explore individual genes involved at different steps in each biological process, Arora said.
“You can visualize the expression of each of those genes over the brain tumor map,” she said. By using the UMAP, she was able to see that while a specific process — in this case, a type of DNA repair — might be elevated in cancer cells, the expression level of individual genes involved in that process might vary, with some remaining the same as in normal brain tissue.
To help researcher examine the relationship between DNA changes and brain tumors, Arora built a smaller UMAP using the samples from TCGA and the CBTN that included DNA sequence information. This gave a window into the range of DNA mutations that can drive cancer, from changes in single DNA “letters,” to the replication or loss of larger chunks of DNA. Sometimes these changes can cause two genes to be fused together, forming a new “Frankengene” that may drive cancer by acting differently than either of its parent genes. Arora’s UMAP showed that certain gene fusions were more common in specific brain cancer subtypes.
“Now you’re able to compare a group of tumors amongst each other,” Holland said. That’s unusual, he noted: It’s far more common for scientists to study and report on one tumor type. These cross-subtype comparisons could help brain cancer researchers discover treatment targets shared by multiple brain tumor types, or those unique to specific subtypes.
Paddison used the UMAP to uncover vulnerabilities — or genes and biological processes that cancer cells need but healthy cells don’t — in different subsets of both adult and childhood brain tumors.
A step toward more precise diagnostics and treatment
Precision oncology is the tailoring of a cancer patient’s treatment plan to their tumor’s unique blend of vulnerabilities. While cancer researchers have made great strides, there remains a lot to discover about the treatment targets lurking within tumors, and how to determine which therapies will provide the greatest benefit to which patients.
Arora’s UMAP, combined with Oncoscape’s data visualization capabilities, will help further those discoveries, Holland said.
It will make it easier for brain cancer researchers like Paddison to uncover what drives brain tumors, whether it’s from DNA mutations or large-scale changes in gene expression patterns. Identifying key genes or pathways in the UMAP could help researchers better choose candidate therapies for clinical trials, Holland said.
“This type of approach could be used to more precisely place patient tumors in continuum of adult or pediatric brain tumors to better predict outcomes and survival,” Paddison said.
Using tumor landscapes, incorporating patient clinical as well as tumor molecular landscapes, to refine diagnosis and treatment is Holland’s hope as well.
“You could imagine a world where a given tumor is sequenced, and then placed on the landscape. Then your nearest neighbors on the landscape could tell you what your diagnosis actually is, but also what your expected outcome would be,” Holland said.
Arora’s multi-dataset brain cancer UMAP is “to my knowledge, the first pseudo pan-cancer approach to a really interactive way of learning about, and predicting, new tumor behaviors,” he said.
This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health, the Jacobs Foundation and the National Science Foundation.